
 Psalm 22: 19-21
19 But You, O LORD, do not be far from Me;
         O My Strength, hasten to help Me!
 20 Deliver Me from the sword,
         My precious life from the power of the dog.
 21 Save Me from the lion’s mouth
         And from the horns of the wild oxen!         
         You have answered Me.

Here I sit at my computer trying to take in all that has happened in the last week.  I have had the report from City of Hope saying there is nothing else they can do for her.  I have met with the Hospice people three days this week, the case nurse that did the intake, which involves asking about “end of life” choices. The social worker that explained Hospice is not about taking away hope but insuring that all our needs and wishes are met if and until it comes to that.  The case-worker nurse in charge of our “case” explaining how they are there for me when I get tired and need someone to do certain personal things for Pat even after I told them I will never get tired of doing what needs to be done for her no matter what her experience has shown.  I actually felt offended that she stated,”You don’t know”, that “Pat has not been in this condition before”, and that “You will get tired” is what she kept repeating.  She has no clue what Pat and I have been through, how Pat has indeed been weaker than she is now and that I bathed her and carried her and cared for her all this time, I think I know better than she, what I can and can’t do.  How do you get tired of doing something you love to do, for someone you love?  Just last night she sent me on a twenty mile journey (one way) for a food item she wanted.  I couldn’t say no even knowing she probably wouldn’t eat more than a couple bites before getting full.  It gave me a chance to call and talk to a good friend of ours I’ve known since high school, about the condition she is in and all that we are dealing with now.  It was a conversation I needed to have.

Pat’s condition has gotten to the point where it is difficult for her to walk to the bathroom, about 20 steps or so, without being totally winded.  It is so difficult to see her go through this, and believe me without knowing through faith, that when her journey is done here she will be with the Lord in Heaven, no more pain, no more sorrow, no, without knowing this I could not deal with this.

You can’t imagine how hard this is, I am still praying for the Lord to show me one more miracle, but I am also now at peace knowing that he has shown me several miracles, in our life, and on this journey in particular and I know that His will is perfect and not meant for our harm but for our good.  I continue to trust that whatever He has in store for us that we will get through this together, He, Pat and I. Thank you Father, I praise you now and forever, Amen.


Psalm 23

A Psalm of David.

 1 The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Pat and Floyd

Thank all of you for your continuous Prayers, they have gotten us this far!

25 thoughts on “Hospice

  1. No words I can type in this comment box that can make your day any brighter. However I want you to know that your dedication and love for Pat has been an inspiration. Let it be known that not an hour goes by that we don’t have you and Pat in our thoughts. Just know that there are a lot of us out here that are sharing this journey with you two. Maybe not as intense, but with you still. You are not alone.

  2. I love you both dearly and I am believing with you for complete healing in Pats body….no matter what it looks like or the report….He is our final authority! Merry Christmas and have a blessed and prosperous New Year!!!!

  3. Hey man, no one knows better than you ,but some times u want to escape, for a minute, It’s ok for a minute,but not a hour more,she needs u because she knows ur there for her,because u need to there for ur self, as well as for her! Love you two.

  4. Merry Christmas Pat and Floyd…. As I sit and wonder what to say after reading your report on the Journey you’ve both taken on – I see the beauty and grace of God’s creations. We don’t always understand the process of life and all its’ changes but we do in fact learn to trust the unfoldment of it. Floyd, you and Pat have been such an inspiration for so many people. Your life together is a testiment of what LOVE looks like. I am so proud to know you both and to have walked together with you both on a “few’ of the miraculous experiences you’ve shared. Have a joyous day as life continues to unfold and tell those hospice people to (which I know uou have) back off a little. They have forgotten what “true love” looks like. Peace and much love.

    • Thank you Nadirah,
      You have been with us through this and we love you and thank you for all the prayers and calls and visits. May God bless you for all you and everyone have done. See you soon.

  5. I’ve been keeping up on your writing the past several weeks. I think how hard a situation it is when someone you love more than life is sick and there seems to be no way or end in sight. When sometimes you just want to scream “WHY??????????????” but know that will do no good. I’ve been listening to Carman music CD’s on the way to work and he sings about the city of Jerichco and how they screamed to the Lord and the walls came tumbling down. Then he has you do it at a certain point in the song and everytime i scream unto the Lord I swear i feel something “break” inside. I don’t know if this helps any but know I continue to stand in prayer with you for Pat. Love you two and miss seeing you around the store.

    • Thank you Beverly,
      We missed seeing you the last time we came through, you were at lunch. You are right I do know asking why does no good, I just look to the future and pray that the Lord keeps walking with us, and that we have His favor in our future as we have had in our past.

  6. I continue to pray your strength be multiplied, your faith to remain steadfast, unmovable and unshakable, and that God wil continue to show Himself strong on your behalf ! We will continue to storm the gates of Heaven with our prayers, standing on the word of God , for the violent take it by force !! Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might !!


    • Thank you for the constant encouragement, it’s been a tough week.! Hey you may not know this but we are here in Fontana for the untold future. You can call us, I’ll send you our number if you don’t have it.

      • Yes, please send your number, no I don’t have it !!
        God is still on the throne, (He didn’t fall off when we went to sleep last night!!!) (smiles). And his word is still true,, and He’s watching over it to perform it on our behalf !!!


  7. Hello Cousin’s:

    We keep you both in our prayers..God is in control and knows what he is doing. We do not always understand his actions and we want to asked questions. Sometimes he give us an answer and sometimes he does not. But in given time the Lord put every thing in it’s place. We will keep you in our prays.

    God bless,
    Rick and Anne

  8. Hi Pat & Floyd!
    My family, friends & I are praying for you and your loved ones. As always the love, stregnth and FAITH that you continue to show, in spite of what it looks like is a real, living testiment to who GOD IS.

    Stay encouraged,


    • Thank you, We continue to lean on Him for our strength and if that helps someone else, Thank you God for allowing us to inspire others in Jesus’ name! Nothing is impossible in His Name

  9. My beloved cousins, I love you both so very much! I am in awe of the strength, faith and grace you exhibit! Continue to trust in the Lord and walk this very difficult road with your hand in His! He, as you know, will not forsake you!
    All my love to you both!

    • EXODUS 23:25
      And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.
      We are standing on his promise.

  10. Hey Floyd, first of all the both of you are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. We would like to visit you and Pat next weekend (weekend of January 7). So, please let us know if you guys are avaliable, and if Pat is up to a visit. We love you!!
    -The Garcia Family

    • Hey I sent you a reply on our NEW Facebook Page. We are in Fontana for the indefinite future. Thank you for the prayers…keep them coming and God bless you and the family!

  11. Hello Floyd and Pat: To our beautiful cousin’s. This is the day that the Lord has made and be glad in it. I think of you both daily, knowing that the Lord has you both in his care. I thank God for you both being in our lives, Floyd and Pat you both are blessed with the gift of love and sharing it with family members and friends. I prayer God’s peace, grace,love be with you both.
    God bless,
    Rick and Anne

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