This past trip we finally got Pat to a dentist to have those two teeth that were fractured removed.  He was very friendly and spent some time with us asking about Pat’s condition and her journey up to this point in time.  He then shared something with us that I consider being another of God’s  numbered steps for us.  He said that in addition to him being a dentist (and an anesthesiologist) he was also involved with a group of doctors that have developed a new “virus” that attacks cancer cells, while not affecting healthy cells, destroying them and allowing the body’s own immune system to then remove the dead cancer cells from the body.  He said the drug has completed phase one clinical trials currently in England, is now awaiting approval for trials here in the U.S. and that they are looking to finalize a decision on which of two perspective drug companies will be chosen to distribute the drug.  He told Pat he wanted us to stay in touch as he believes she could be helped by this new treatment.  (See  After some further research, I have found that there are a couple of other companies developing this same type of therapy, all with very promising results.

He also gave me a book to read, authored by a friend of his, entitled “The Power of Crying Out”.  It talks about how speaking to God increases the power of prayer and helps to have Him answer our prayers.  It helps to reinforce my faith in prayer and increase my prayer strength.

It is now four weeks, three days and two treatments into Pat’s new chemo treatment.  She is on a drug called Taxotere.  It is administered intravenously over about a 90 minute period.  It requires her to take a regimen of steroids the day before, the day of and the morning after the treatment.  The steroids tend to make her a little sleepless the first night and keep her awake the day of and the day after her treatment (she does sleep the night after treatment). This means she stays awake the whole drive home and she’s a busybody when we get home, not exactly conducive to me getting rest after the long trip.

(I got a little grumpy this time, not overtly, just that I would put the TV on pause when she would come in the room to ask me questions and then give the shortest answer possible.  Her feelings were hurt and I of course felt like a jerk, but at the same time I feel like I deserved to rest when I got home.  That travel day coming home is beginning to get a little rough for me, get up, pack the car, make the drive, unpack the car, go get the dog from the kennel…I’m beat when I get home and I just want to sit and vegetate.  OK, OK, I know..Shut up and deal with it.  I just had to say something to help me not feel so bad about hurting her feelings.)

In the 10 days since her last treatment, she has had a lack of appetite and sleeps a lot, I mean a LOT!  She may get up by noon, stay up long enough to drink a half cup of tea, go back to bed for an hour or so, get up and eat a small amount, go back to bed sleep a couple more hours, get up watch an hour or so of TV, back to sleep, then up long enough to have dinner, (what little she may eat) then watch TV until midnight or later.  I am concerned about her low appetite but I was hoping that by Wednesday or Thursday she would have returned to normal and that she would be OK, as she was the last treatment three week ago. (unfortunately she hasn’t quite done so this time)  I am going to email her oncologist to make sure he thinks this is expected behavior, but the last time (before this new Taxotere treatment) I mentioned to him that I thought she might be sleeping too much, he said sleeping helps the body heal so…?

Update: as of the time of this publishing, Saturday morning, she did eat better both for breakfast/brunch and dinner on friday.

We had a visit while we were in town from our buddy Chevalier.  He brought a video of a birthday gathering we had at our home in Riverside on my 44th birthday weekend.  Woo-wee we looked young then (relatively speaking as young as you can look at 44, that is).  It’s so good to relive happy times, too bad Pat couldn’t talk much, she had a mouth full of gauze from her tooth extraction earlier in the day.  Anyway I’m running out of things to say so I guess I’ll shut up (or stuff my mouth with gauze)!

Thanks for listening, God bless you all, we love you.


Galatians 6:9

 9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

(Words for me to live by)

6 thoughts on “THE DENTIST

  1. I want to thank you Floyd and Pat( the dymanic duo) for keeping me abreast of your journey, thou it may seem you are alone in your journey but God is with you every step of the way. All that I can say to you my brother is hang in there your reward is just a few steps from you. I am glad to hear about the up and coming new drugs on the markets for cancer I have heard about them a couple of years ago, and that they were in the clinical stages, Maybe you could talk to Pat’s doctor about it, maybe she could be on the panel for clinical trials. You guys in closing I want to say I love you and you will still be in my prayers. Love Yall Randy Temple

    • Thank you Randy,
      Believe me I know I could not do this without God on my side (all around me really). I have no strength that doesn’t come from Him. Thank you for the prayers and the love, we appreciate and need them.

  2. “Due season” always comes !!!!!!!!!!! God hears, knows,and understands, even your temporary “rants” of weariness. He gives rest to His beloved, and that you are !! We’re praying your continued strength, and praising God for every victory !!!


    • Thank you DeAnna,
      It’s funny how we ask for patience and strength but sometimes forget we have to go through “things” in order to forge the patience and strength we ask for. We can’t build muscles, physical or spiritual, without lifting those weights! Thank you Lord for all your help and thank you DeAnna for your encouragement.
      P.S. I have lost a valid email address for Jennifer, would you pass this along if you have have one for her?

  3. We continue to hold you in our prayers. God has given you and Pat the blessing of each other. It’s beautiful and inspirational to witness your faith and His strength carrying you.
    I just love you guys to pieces!!

    • Thank You for the prayers! They are always appreciated (and needed). Know that you, Marty and the family are also in our prayers. Pat says she hopes the job is going well.
      Oh, We ran into Anita a few weeks ago, she came up to me and introduced herself. She seems like a nice person. Say hello to your sister and her hubby for us.
      God bless you,
      Pat and Floyd

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