
(noun) 4. Toughness, determination, toughness or great strength of character

(adjective) Strong or Hard, like steel, especially in strength or hardness

(transitive verb) 1. Strengthen somebody for ordeal: To make someone unfeeling or tough enough to stand a setback or trial

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

The news came from the Doctor this past Tuesday, Pat will have to change chemo drugs.  The CT-scan showed growth of the tumor in her lung which indicates the current chemo is no longer as effective as it has been or that the tumor has adjusted to the drug.

For once Dr. Gloom, the oncologist was not pessimistic in his view or his delivery of this news.  Instead of his usual “It may be time to take her home and make her comfortable” speech, he went straight to explaining the next course of treatment he was planning before asking Pat, ” You do want to continue, don’t you?”  (Score one for Pat, she has always said she would change his mind of how she was going to survive this.)  While I at first was discouraged by this news, I am focusing on the size of my God not the size of our problem and convinced something good shall come of this.  My mother reminded me that my aunt, who is well above seventy, had her chemo changed several times before they found one that worked so I am praying that this is the “one” for Pat.  She is as usual steeled in her resolve to defeat this with God’s help.

The nurse called to explain the new treatment will be once every three weeks for two hours at a time, which doubles her chair time but cuts the number of treatments in half.  (formally she spent about an hour in treatment, two of every three weeks)  As always we ask for your prayers, just a “Father, please make the medicine take the cancer from her body and give her strength to do battle” is good but whatever you pray, it is appreciated.  I thank you for your continued support, and pray that all in your life goes well.

Isaiah 58:8
Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.


P.S. I was going to wait until after the treatment to post this but, “no time like the present right?”

Also, I have re-posted the last three posts from 2010 after this.

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