Thank You Lord

Well, we had a better than good week.  Let me tell you what I mean.  I have a niece that attends college in Colorado and this week she was suppose to return to school after her summer break.  She and my sister were going to drive back to school Tuesday morning.  They weren’t on the freeway for more than a mile when they struck a large object, spun off the road and rolled ninety feet down the freeway embankment.  I know, you’re asking “How is that having a good week?”.  Well if you saw the car, then realized there were many other cars on the freeway at the time, none of which struck them, and they basically came through this with relatively minor injuries, you would understand why I say it was a good week.  Yes the car was totaled, but God protected them from major injuries and “stuff” can be replaced.  Yes it may mean some extra recovery time when my niece can’t practice with the team but it could have been a lot worse (and I’m sure she will find something productive to work on in place of the practice time).  So, all in all, it was a good week.  As far as our trip, we had a little (a very little) incident of our own driving down.  At the agriculture stop, the car behind us didn’t stop at the same time I stopped and we got “bumped”.  Not even enough to show a mark but a bump none the less.  It could have been worse, but the Lord’s hedge of protection was around us and we are thankful for it.

Pat’s treatment went well, no problems with the port or blood draw.  She was scheduled to have a CT scan and MRI on Friday morning but when I went down Thursday morning to remind them that they would need a nurse to set up the contrast to Pat’s port, they found out there wouldn’t be one available in time to do it before the test so they changed her test appointment to later Friday morning. Later Thursday afternoon after her chemo I went down to see if maybe they could squeeze us in for the CT scan that afternoon and they did.  When that test was done I asked if there was an opening to do the MRI that afternoon and yes there was.  Oh, and Pat’s oncologist, according to his scheduling nurse, was not going to be in the office on the days we were scheduled for the next month and a half.  This meant we wouldn’t be able to talk to him about her test results for two months.  Well as we were leaving the chemo lab, who happens to walk by us but “Dr. Gloom” himself!  We stopped him and explained the situation and he says “That’s OK I will call you or send you an Email and we can communicate that way, no problem”.  So once again Pat has the Lord’s favor watching over her and we got everything done on Thursday instead of having to wait until the next day and and having to be in the Friday afternoon traffic to go home.

While Pat was receiving her treatment, there was a lady next to us also receiving treatment.  I overheard part of a phone conversation she was having during which she said “There are about fifteen people having treatment here and I’m the only one that doesn’t have anyone here with me”.  I missed an opportunity to tell her “You are never alone, God is always with you” as I didn’t want to interrupt her call, and then afterward each time I turned to her she was writing in her checkbook or reading some other work document but it was still a chance I missed out on and I am sorry that I didn’t take that opportunity.  I just hope that the next time I see her I make up for it.  Believe me, Pat going through this is hard enough with me being there, but going through it alone for someone, I can’t imagine how difficult that would be.

So thank you Lord for giving me the strength to be here for Pat and I trust in you that you wouldn’t have put me in this position without providing the resources to accomplish the  task at hand.  I thank you that you said, “I am blessed and cannot be cursed” that, “You will prosper me even in the dessert”, and that “everything I touch will prosper”.  I am standing on those  promises.

Your humble servant,


P.S. Thanks to all of you that viewed the “Jackson Family Reunion” slideshow on YouTube.  As of Saturday morning I had 110 views, far more than I expected.  If you haven’t seen it and wish to, here is the link;

7 thoughts on “Thank You Lord

  1. Again, I wonderful testament to the Grace and Mercy of God !! His Grace in abundant, and the supply is limitless !! We have more than enough for each day ! and guess what, there’s a brand new supply waiting for tomorrow !! They are new every morning, great is His faithfulness !!

  2. I could not have said it better. God is GREAT! My wife and daughter are still with me. I believe they were touched by the hand of God. It just reminds me that this is the day that God has made and we should rejoice in it. Tell those you love that you love them. Little did I know that morning could have been the last time I saw my love ones if not for the grace of God.

    THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!! Just does not seem like enough.

  3. Talking about a positive attitude…
    I learned a lesson from this blog Floyd. No, it was not about God’s grace but about your perspective. If my sister and niece would have had an ordeal like that, I would have been saying what a sh_tty day it was for them. But you saw the better side of the situation. I need to incorporate more of that way of thinking in my life. What a wonderful world it would be if we all did?
    ” It’s not the good or bad that happens to us, but how we view them that makes the difference” Anonymous

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